The Bridge

RF's Eco System

We are here to Serve Cinema.

We are here to bridge the gap between different segments of film making like Film Education, Film Incubation, Production, Finance, Promotion, Archive Etc. Raywings Filmcore is a complete Ecosystem of Cinema, where we start from scratch by educating fresh creative minds, polishing their ideas and finally showcasing their artwork to the appropriate audience. We have a presence among the right network that will help you connect with opportunities and will provide you with an outright guidance to build your Career, Brand, Product or Identity in Cine World. One may find Creativity, Talent, Finance and Audience in abundance, but expertise and opportunities remain scarce. So here at Raywings Filmcore, we create opportunities along with the help of industry expertise. We built a foundation, one window, which provides solutions for all the problems related to the Cine & entertainment industry. We want to emerge, inspire, and support potential storytellers, financers and cinephiles by finding the people of passion and providing them a platform to reflect their creativity. Our enhanced ecosystem contains Renowned educators, passionate Investors, technical partners, industry's network & connections, pan india network of line producers, a talent management agency, a Cine council for the promotion of cinematic art & culture, an archive for cine precious and last but not least a welfare association for cine technicians and workers.



Our Mission is to transform the existing cinematic ecosystem into an experience where creativity reigns and true talent will be recognized and supported, regardless of their background. We aim to put together a panel of support by bringing in the best from the industry and create a transparent platform to tap the potential of this talent, help them grow and progress into the industry. By doing so, we also thrive towards offering a true and enriched cinema experience to our audience in terms of content & technology.

Creativity is often mistaken as just being artistic, but it is also technical and commercial. The most up-to-date technology and equipment are at the ready, but there is a lack of trained technicians. Most people are ignorant of the importance of technicians in the industry. We also look forward to making people aware of the role of technology and the technical divisions of filmmaking. Another aspect that we will be emphasizing on is to deliver the knowledge of commercializing one’s art. Monetizing art will only help you in being able to create something even better from the returns you get from it. It is through a balance of art, technology and commercials that filmmaking thrives. Which is why, we are bringing together funds & resources, art & technicals to keep that art of storytelling flourishing.

We understand it is not just the lack of talent, but also the lack of opportunities that is hindering the growth of a creator. But, only creating an opportunity is not enough, even Incubation is essential for a creator’s success. And so, here at Raywings Filmcore, We bring together everything needed, an opportunity to create something of your own, incubate it until we find the right funders for the project and let it grow on a whole new level.

Deeming with originality and excellence, we are open to all with a creative project looking for the right funds. Our mission is to create a platform for such passionate storytellers and provide them the right guidance and path to the film industry. We understand this will not happen overnight, but we are not turning back. We’ve seen a dream, and every step of ours is taking us closer to our vision.



Vision! "Actually It's our own future as a society, which is going to produce passion & creativity." "We are all creative, but it is sometimes knocked out of us. Creativity is dreaming, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. There is no failure in creativity. Our vision is to explore and embrace that unexplored creative power which is present in everyone . If you see closely the thought of staying within the lines is hammered so deep in our minds that the art of storytelling is often left confined and pushed back even farther. We tend to mask and mold our stories, talent, in a way that they’ll be accepted in society. In all realness, even masking your talent is an art in itself. Some chose to edge their creative side, while some didn't. It takes courage to understand and express oneself as an artist. If anyone who has realized that his passion lies in Cinema, it is time to shed the veil and put out their true self to chase their dreams." -Himanshu Katiyar.

We, at Raywings Filmcore, believe in the power of storytelling. We encourage creative expression because the more fearlessly creative we are, the more upbeat we will be. Raywings Filmcore is set out to give them the opportunity to explore and fulfil their untapped creative potential and bring creative minds into light because there is an essence of creativity in each of us. We believe in our vision and we are giving our 100% to turn it into reality.



Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. - Rumi

Passion, a spark that burns in all of us, a feeling that has kept us all awake at night, an urge that pushes us to do something for ourselves. One can define passion in whatever way they want, but the only way to keep it burning is to stay awake and chase it. Afterall it is rightly said that, "A flame of passion that fails to be fanned eventually burns out". And without action, passion creates no results. Our passion lies in cinema and we at Raywings Filmcore are ready to do everything it takes to keep these flames blazing. Do you feel the same spark? Let us set it aflame! Nobody but you understand the passion for Cinema in you. It is a universe of your own, that no one can ever be a part of. And so, you need to tell your story, a story about your own universe, your own burning flames. Don't hold yourself back. Let go of people’s shackles that bring you down, let go of everyone who says your creativity will yield you nothing, let go of everyone who said you’d be better off as a doctor or lawyer because cinema is not a reliable profession.

No profession has ever been easy just because it's backed with passion. It is only the consistent urge within that keeps you going, come what may, that will give you the strength to overcome all the peaks and valleys to ultimately succeed. We believe we are all born creative, but a lack of right information has deprived so many of their chance to prove and showcase their talents in the right way. Raywings Filmcore is our way of reciprocating our passion for cinema by helping others to pursue theirs. We are here to be a companion in your journey to pursuing the passion for cinema, and trust us when we say it will be an amazing one! We have made discovering these cinephilic voices like yours a mission to create a space for like-minded people to pursue their passion along with us. We believe results matter and the space you're in will reflect your creativity. We bring that space to you. A space that will reflect your passion for cinema, a space that allows you to be yourself, a space that will help you tell your story. Our space passes your #VibeCheck of being a space to create and space for passion. We understand CINEMATIC PASSION because we are living it ourselves!